Finance Monthly CFO Awards 2017 Winners Edition

About Besso Group Besso has a long and distinguished pedigree that gives it a respected position in the global insurance marketplace. With a London-based staff of just over 200, Besso is amedium-sized business that combines the traditional values of an established and trusted broker with an innovative and personal touch that differentiates it from many larger competitors. Moreover, because Besso is an independent Lloyd’s broking group, predominantly owned by the senior management team, it offers an alternative and fresh perspective. Besso has expanded and diversified greatly over the years. Growing from a largely North American business, it now operates worldwide through nine divisions: Aviation, Energy, Marine, International, Property, Casualty, Reinsurance, Besso UK, Besso Re, and Professional and Financial Risks. Besso also provides risk transfer services for reinsurance and capital markets through a subsidiary called Optex. Highly regarded for the quality and experience of its specialist teams, Besso works primarily with overseas brokers and intermediaries, and is particularly noted for handling complex and unusual risks. Much of the business is placed under binding authorities with Lloyd’s syndicates. Besso’s growth has been characterised by the consistency and reliability of its face-to- face broking skills coupled with an innovative and creative approach that draws strength from the company’s independence and commitment to bespoke solutions. CFO of Besso Group Sam Hovey About Sam Hovey Sam has been Group Chief Financial Officer of Besso Insurance Group Limited since February 2014, and Group Chief Operating Officer as of July 2015. She qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1999, and has held a number of roles within the market. She most recently served as CEO of Cooper Gay & Company Limited, part of the CGSC Group. She joined the Cooper Gay Group in 2008 and held the Group Financial Controller and Cooper Gay & Company Chief Financial Officer roles prior to taking up the CEO role in 2012. Before joining the Cooper Gay Group she held positions at HSBC Insurance Brokers and Rattner McKenzie Ltd, formerly part of the HCC Group. Contact Details Our mission is to recognise and reward the strengths and accomplishments of the team as well as the individual... 29 UNITED KINGDOM Finance Monthly CFO Awards 2017

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