Finance Monthly CFO Awards 2017 Winners Edition 7 INTRODUCTION Finance Monthly CFO Awards 2017 Finance Monthly is pleased to officially announce the full list of finalists and, of course, the winners of our 2017 CFO Awards! It is impossible for a company to properly function if it’s not actively investigating and safeguarding its finances. A CFOmust be well –versed in all aspects of financial management, ranging from simple accounting, through risk management and financial strategies, to broad investment and banking operations. Over the past decade, the role of a CFO has undoubtedly broadened and evolved. Today, many CFOs are given a bigger role in corporate portfolio management and capital allocation and have become prominent as the voice of the organisation in communications to the board and relations with investors and as leaders in performance management. In today’s challenging economic environment, Chief Financial Officers are faced with a challenging and complex medium which necessitates immense business acumen and practical knowledge. With such a diverse set of attributes, characteristics and circumstances to consider and a role that seems to be continuously expanding, how does one determine a great CFO? This question and many others were considered by the Finance Monthly’s research team when tasked with identifying the most talented CFOs from around the globe in order to produce this special awards edition. At Finance Monthly we are proud to present our 2017 CFO Awards, a celebration of the best in financial leadership. Congratulations to our winners and finalists! CFO AWARDS 2017
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