Finance Monthly CFO Awards 2018 Winners Edition 33 Finance Monthly CFO Awards 2018 Finance Monthly CFO Awards 2018 UNITED KINGDOM Finance Monthly CF A ards 2018 Contact Details Harriettt Gray, Group Finance Director at Phaidon International Email: Group FD at Phaidon International Harriett Gray About Harriett Gray Harriett is a commercially focused qualified CIMA accountant, currently working as the Group Finance Director for Phaidon International, an award winning global recruitment firm. She has worked in finance for over 20 years, and within the recruitment sector for the last 15. Her first role in this industry was at Heidrick & Struggles, from where she moved to Arrows Group and then onto Phaidon. Phaidon has kept her busy with two rounds of investment in 3 years, the most recent being with Quilvest. She has built out and developed the Phaidon finance team from 4 to 18 people over the past 3 years, as well as implementing a new finance system, allowing the finance team to be more reactive to the business needs. Firm Profile Phaidon International is a global staffing group with six award-winning micro-specialist recruitment brands. Phaidon’s micro-specialist brands are united by their ability to find rare, highly experienced, well-educated active and passive talent for their clients. Phaidon helps organisations identify, attract and secure the best talent for their requirements across 4 key market verticals; Financial Services, Energy, Technical and Professional Services. Last year Phaidon helped over 2,150 professionals make permanent, interim and fixed-term career moves across 60 countries. Approximately 50% of this talent held a Masters, PHD or above and 90% a Bachelor or above, their average salary being above $USD 100,000 per annum. Phaidon’s integrated network of 10 global hubs ensures that the specialist consultants within each brand can identify the right talent for clients from a local, regional, and global perspective. These consultants have a unique understanding of their market in the context of their area of niche specialism. This, combined with an excellent appreciation of a selection process assessing behavioral, competency and cultural fit ensures superior results. 80% of the candidates Phaidon helped move last year were proactively approached by Phaidon. Of these, about 40% were not considering a career move until Phaidon presented them with an ideal opportunity. Where these Professionals embraced the career opportunity, nearly 50% relocated either regionally or internationally, a reflection of the global nature of the STEM landscape. Areas of Expertise • Managing, Accounting, Executive Search & Treasury • Relationshops with shareholders, investors, banks. • Strategic – Financial Planning, budgeting & forecasting • Team development

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